Many people view the drug PCP as something that used to be popular but is rarely taken anymore.
It’s true that PCP doesn’t make the headlines anymore the way heroin and meth still do. However, the PCP problem continues to be quite real. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that more than 122,000 people over age 12 had taken and abused PCP within the 12 months preceding the survey. Clearly, the need for effective PCP drug rehab treatment never went away.
PCP is a drug that was once used as animal tranquilizer but was never approved for human use. Since it isn’t used legally, there isn’t much research available to understand what happens when people are addicted to it over the long term. PCP drug rehab remains a critical way to help people overcome their PCP addiction.
PCP: What Is It?
Well-known by the street name “angel dust,” phencyclidine (PCP) is a very powerful hallucinogenic drug with a reputation for creating a strong sense of euphoria and fooling users into believing that they have superhuman strength. It can be purchased in many forms, including as a type of whitish powder, crystals, tablets or as a liquid. For individuals who choose to take PCP, it can be smoked, snorted, swallowed or injected. PCP was first created in the 1950s to act as a synthetic tranquilizer that was to be used by medical professionals in IV form. When tested with humans, however, problems were quickly discovered and it was never granted approval for human use. Despite this, PCP was widely abused in the 1970s and PCP drug rehab has been necessary ever since.
Even the use of PCP as an animal tranquilizer didn’t last very long due to the adverse effects that were observed. From this disturbing past history comes the frightening thought that some people consider this dangerous drug appropriate for recreational use. There’s a good reason why PCP drug rehab treatment in a reputable PCP drug rehab center is so important for overcoming this horrifying drug.
PCP is generally seen as a crystalline white powder that users dissolve in water or alcohol to tamp down its bitter chemical taste. In the illegal drug trade, PCP is combined with several different contaminants that affect its color, which can range to light to dark brown. To achieve a liquid form, PCP is frequently dissolved in ether, which is an extremely flammable substance. To make PCP a smokable product, manufacturers usually spray the substance on flakes of mint, oregano, parsley or marijuana. Regardless of which deadly form of PCP has gotten you addicted, the time has come for you to seek a women’s or Men’s Rehab Program before tragedy strikes.
PCP is known by a long list of street names, including:
Angel Dust | Rocket Fuel | Hog | Wack | Ozone | Dust | Lovely | Embalming Fluid | Supergrass (when mixed with marijuana) | Killer Joints (combined with marijuana)
What are the Side Effects of PCP Use?
According to PCP addiction treatment centers, many uncomfortable and dangerous side effects accompany PCP use, including:
Agitation | High blood pressure | Elevated heart rate | Extreme unease | Rigid muscles | Uncontrolled eye movements | High body temperature | Increased sensitivity to sound frequencies | Loss of control over body movements | Numbness | Seizures | Disorientation | Hallucinations | Coma
As these symptoms indicate, PCP drug rehab facilities face quite a challenge with PCP addiction. Unlike with some substances, a PCP high typically lasts for several hours, especially if it has been combined with other substances. Sadly, PCP usage has a terrifying legacy that few other drugs do, and is a big reason why PCP drug rehab treatment is so critical. Over the years, there have been numerous reports of PCP users leaping off buildings thinking they could fly, gorging out their own eyeballs or deliberately walking in front of speeding cars to their deaths. Acute psychosis and schizophrenia are both closely associated with PCP addiction.
PCP detox centers and PCP drug rehab facilities have the added difficulty of sometimes dealing with patients who may be unusually hostile or paranoid. It’s no accident that many patients come to a PCP drug rehab center by court order because of dangerous or criminal behavior associated with their PCP usage.
PCP Addiction: the Long-Term Effects
What may happen to your body with PCP addiction could potentially persist even after you stop taking the drug, which is another reason to seek out professional PCP drug rehab treatment to ensure a successful recovery. Long-term symptoms of PCP use include:
Anxiety | Speech Problems | Depression | Weight Loss | Memory Issues | Breakdown of muscle tissue | Intracranial hemorrhage | Persistent Suicidal Thoughts
When a heavy user stops taking PCP, a variety of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms present themselves, including:
Irritability | Inability to feel pleasure | Pronounced fatigue | Prolonged insomnia | Anxiety | Depression
In some ways, it doesn’t matter whether you consume large or small amounts of PCP over time. In fact, no amount is “safe.” There’s a reason that PCP drug rehab treatment at a reputable PCP drug rehab center is so critically important. Without it, many people would lose their lives to this dangerous drug.
How can you recognize the signs of PCP addiction in a loved one and the need for PCP drug rehab treatment? There a number of warning signs, including:
A growing urgency to use PCP
The desire to use is so great that criminal behavior is now acceptable (theft, prostitution, etc.)
User won’t give up PCP even when negative consequences are becoming obvious
The amount of PCP used increases on a regular basis
Responsibilities related to home, work or school no longer matter
PCP becomes all that matters: Hobbies, interests, relationships all fall away
Use of PCP in highly inappropriate situations, such as driving
Increased tolerance: More PCP is needed to experience the same high
Getting Help at a PCP Drug Rehab Facility
PCP addiction consumes its victims. If you or a loved one suffers from a PCP addiction, PCP drug rehab is the most effective way to reclaim the life that addiction has taken from you. By calling a reputable PCP drug rehab facility, you’ll be able to speak to a caring and knowledgeable professional who can help you understand all of your treatment options and clear up any questions you may have about PCP addiction, PCP detox or PCP drug rehab. You don’t have to settle for just any facility. Fortunately, there are PCP drug rehab treatment centers that will be suited to your unique needs as a patient.
As you search for the right facility for you, be choosy. After all, this is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in your life. Look for a center that understands the unique aspects of PCP addiction. Ascertain how well trained the staff is. Look for the facility to be accredited. When you find centers where all of these things are in place, your decision becomes that much easier to make.
Don’t Attempt PCP Withdrawal Without Professional Help
PCP addiction is difficult on users. Attempting to withdraw from PCP is no less easy. In fact, it can be quite difficult, especially if you were to attempt it on your own without any professional help. Withdrawing on your own can be more than just uncomfortable. It can also be dangerous in some cases.
Without question, your best option will be to go to a medically monitored Detox Facility. This center may be part of a PCP drug rehab facility or it may be an entirely separate facility dedicated strictly to detox. Detox in a professional environment is crucial for keeping you safe and comfortable during what can be a difficult time. On your own, it’s far too easy to give up when the going gets tough. In detox, withdrawal symptoms are carefully monitored 24/7 by medical experts. They can also dispense medicine to keep your blood pressure under control, which frequently goes up during withdrawal.
A professional detox program does more than just get you sober. It also prepares you for the next critical step in your recovery: PCP drug rehab treatment. Drug rehab treatment is only possible when your body has been cleansed of the drugs. Think of it as starting with a fresh slate.
A PCP Detox Program Is the Best Way to Avoid Relapse
Many people who try to detox on their own often fail. They wind up relapsing and will start taking PCP again. Usually, this happens because they couldn’t deal with the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. For these people, taking PCP again seems like the best way to avoid feeling sick or uncomfortable. In a detox facility, professionals take care of you and keep you safe during the process so that you can transition successfully into PCP drug rehab.
For some people, medications can help prevent symptoms such as seizures during the detox process. However, medications aren’t the only thing that a facility can provide. Many facilities offer holistic solutions to ease discomfort with things like yoga, meditation and special nutrition. Holistic methods can help lessen depression and anxiety without introducing medication into the equation. For some people, avoiding more drugs is a logical solution. These holistic methods can be utilized not only in detox but also in PCP drug rehab treatment as well.
Types of PCP Drug Rehab Treatment Programs
All rehab programs are a little different. Therapies that work for one person may not work for another. Look for facilities that will customize treatment to meet your unique needs.
As you consider treatment options, think about what’s involved with each one:
Inpatient Treatment
For some PCP users, inpatient treatment at a PCP drug rehab facility will be the right choice. It’s a good option for those suffering more acute addictions because it completely removes you from the environment where your addiction began. In that way, you’re able to focus entirely on recovery with no distractions. In patient treatment, you’ll go through one-on-one therapy and group therapy to explore the roots of your addiction in a non-judgemental and supportive atmosphere to explore what brought you to rehab.
Outpatient Treatment
For some people, taking an extended time off isn’t an option due to work or family responsibilities. Or, you may have a very stable and supportive home environment that benefits your recovery. In PCP drug rehab outpatient treatment, patients attend treatment during a portion of the day and return home at home to sleep. Keep in mind that insurance companies tend to reimburse at higher amounts for outpatient treatment because it’s more cost effective. Outpatient treatment isn’t a good idea for those with more advanced PCP addiction.
Individual Therapy
In one-on-one therapy, you’ll be able to tackle personal issues that wouldn’t be suited to group counseling. You’ll dig deep into the reasons why you wound up in addiction so that you can better resist temptation when you leave the rehab center.
Group Counseling
Discussing addiction issues with others going through the same issues can be helpful during PCP drug rehab treatment. These non-judgemental discussions are moderated by a trained professional. It’s an excellent place to both give and get support.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment May Also Be Part of PCP Drug Rehab
PCP addiction can sometimes be complicated by a co-occurring condition such as mental illness. If this condition isn’t uncovered and addressed during PCP drug rehab treatment, recovery will likely be compromised. Dual diagnosis treatment allows an addiction treatment facility to treat mental issues like depression and anxiety so that your recovery can be entirely successful.
Dual diagnosis treatment is extremely helpful to assist patients in coping with difficult times in their lives without falling back on drugs like PCP. This treatment may be in conjunction with family therapy so that loved ones in the home environment can fully understand the situation and be more supportive.
PCP Drug Rehab Treatment May Also Incorporate an Alumni Program
Many people leaving a PCP drug rehab facility will greatly appreciate having an Alumni Program to turn to for continuing support and inspiration. It’s important to remember that all patients leaving rehab face the possibility of relapse. To reduce the likelihood of giving in to familiar triggers and temptations, alumni programs offer former rehab patients moral support and the ability to reinforce the coping lessons learned during rehab.
The choice is yours. Continue in PCP addiction or take back your life with PCP drug rehab treatment. A life free from drugs is waiting for you.